At our company, we firmly believe that conducting business in a socially responsible manner is essential for the long-term success and sustainability of our operations. We understand that our actions not only impact the environment but also the communities in which we operate, and we take our responsibility seriously. Therefore, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is at the forefront of everything we do, and we strive to go above and beyond in our efforts to contribute positively to society while reducing our environmental footprint. 

We believe that by investing in CSR initiatives, we can create shared value for our stakeholders and make a significant difference in the world.

Waste management

Environmental and
social statement

Protection of Fish


The major objectives of the WMP are to:
  • Avoid or minimize adverse impacts on human health and the environment by avoiding or minimizing pollution from project activities
    Promote more sustainable use of resources, including energy and water
    Provide a systematic procedure for waste management 
    To maintain a neat and clean environment in the project construction area


At M.A. Power, we understand that true progress comes from sustainable development that respects both people and the planet. By upholding our values of environmental protection and social responsibility, we aim to set a standard for the industry.
  • Avoid/minimize our impacts on the environmental and social components. Where unacceptable impacts remain, we focus on implementing compensatory actions to address residual impacts on the environment; 
  • Follow all applicable environmental/social regulations and IFC performance Standards without any compromise;
  • Comply with the mitigation strategies (3R: Refuse, Reuse, Recycle) sustainably as much as possible during the entire project lifetime; 
  • Promote a safe and healthy working environment for all employees/workers by providing equal opportunity in all aspects of employment and will not engage in or tolerate unlawful workplace conduct, including discrimination, intimidation, or harassment. 
  • Identify, avoid or actively manage all project-related risks to the health, safety, and security of affected communities
  • Promote the biodiversity conservation and sustainable management of living natural resources by applying the latest techniques in combination with local knowledge and practices 
  • Engage with affected or potentially affected interested stakeholders in an apparent manner to ensure that they can express their views on positive opportunities, risks, adverse impacts, and prevention and mitigation measures. 
  • Meet internationally accepted best practices and, where necessary, exceed local regulatory standards. 
  • Disclose all the relevant project information to the concerned stakeholders in a timely and inclusive manner and maintain open lines of communication throughout the project life; 
  • Monitor, audit, and review environmental and social performance compliance regularly to ensure continual improvement.
  • We are fully committed to continuous improvement in the management of the environmental and social impacts of our projects through monitoring, evaluation, and implementation of appropriate corrective actions and mitigation as needed.


At M.A. Power, we understand that true progress comes from sustainable development that respects both people and the planet.
By upholding our values of environmental protection and social responsibility, we aim to set a standard for the industry.

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  • Avoid/minimize our impacts on the environmental and social components. Where unacceptable impacts remain, we focus on implementing compensatory actions to address residual impacts on the environment; 
  • Follow all applicable environmental/social regulations and IFC performance Standards without any compromise;
  • Comply with the mitigation strategies (3R: Refuse, Reuse, Recycle) sustainably as much as possible during the entire project lifetime; 
  • Promote a safe and healthy working environment for all employees/workers by providing equal opportunity in all aspects of employment and will not engage in or tolerate unlawful workplace conduct, including discrimination, intimidation, or harassment. 
  • Identify, avoid or actively manage all project-related risks to the health, safety, and security of affected communities
  • Promote the biodiversity conservation and sustainable management of living natural resources by applying the latest techniques in combination with local knowledge and practices 
  • Engage with affected or potentially affected interested stakeholders in an apparent manner to ensure that they can express their views on positive opportunities, risks, adverse impacts, and prevention and mitigation measures. 
  • Meet internationally accepted best practices and, where necessary, exceed local regulatory standards. 
  • Disclose all the relevant project information to the concerned stakeholders in a timely and inclusive manner and maintain open lines of communication throughout the project life; 
  • Monitor, audit, and review environmental and social performance compliance regularly to ensure continual improvement.
  • We are fully committed to continuous improvement in the management of the environmental and social impacts of our projects through monitoring, evaluation, and implementation of appropriate corrective actions and mitigation as needed.


To protect the fish, the construction of appropriate fish passage in the project dam has been done. Similarly, maintenance of good water flow downstream the dam has created a threshold riverine habitat preventing reduced dissolved oxygen and increased water temperature which are directly associated with the physiological processes of fishes.
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